Vegan Aquafaba Pavlova
Vegan Aquafaba Pavlova has been a game changer for me – I can enjoy egg-free Pavlova now! Aquafaba is the liquid which you find in cans of chickpeas. As it is very similar to egg whites aquafaba can be used as a direct replacement for them in meringues which makes it perfect for people who avoid eggs.
It’s really easy to make, but I do have a few tips before you start – make sure all of your equipment is very clean. It helps to rub with vinegar on a paper towel. When you strain the aquafaba from the can, use a fine mesh sieve to remove any small particles. If you use an electric mixer, beat on the medium speed setting. Beating at high speed adds too much air and will cause deep cracks while baking.
To make Vegan Aquafaba Pavlova, you will need the following ingredients:

Steps to make Vegan Aquafaba Pavlova
Preheat oven and prepare baking sheet
1min -
Beat aquafaba
5min -
Add sugar
5min -
2h -
Recipe Reviews
In reply to Anna:
Bake 7-inch vegan aquafaba Pavlova in the preheated oven for 2 hours.
How long do I cook this recipe for a 6/7 in pavlova?
I love it! Thanks for sharing recipe!
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