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Canning Roasted Tomatoes

Canning Roasted Tomatoes

a depth of flavor you won’t believe
A depth of flavor you won’t believe
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Adjust Servings:
2 lb Tomatoes washed, stemmed, dried and cut in half
1 tbsp Lemon juice or vinegar or ¼ tsp citric acid

Nutritional information


Canning Roasted Tomatoes recipe

Canning Roasted Tomatoes is one of my favorite things to do with my summer tomato harvest. It means I can enjoy my home-grown tomatoes for longer than the usual harvest season. This recipe is for one pint of roasted tomatoes but believe me when I say that I make at least 4 pints of this each year. 

I start by roasting the tomatoes which really intensifies their flavor. I use an ordinary boiling water bath canner but you could use a pressure canner if you have one. Make sure you use sterilized jars for this. An easy way to sterilize them is to place them in boiling water for 10 minutes along with the lids and bands. Allow them to sit in the water until you are ready to fill the jars with roasted tomatoes.

To make my canned Roasted Tomatoes, you will need the following ingredients:So, how do you can Roasted Tomatoes?

Ingredients for Canning Roasted Tomatoes

Steps to make Canning Roasted Tomatoes

  1. 1

    Heat the oven


    Preheat the oven to 400 °F.

  2. 2

    Prepare the tomatoes


    In a single layer, place the tomato halves cut-side down on a rimmed baking sheet.

  3. 3

    Roast the tomatoes


    Roast the tomatoes in the oven for about 30 minutes.

  4. 4

    Remove the skins and seeds


    When the tomatoes have cooled, rub the skins off and remove the seeds.

  5. 5

    Prepare the canner


    Fill your canner with water until half-full. Place the lid on top and heating it up.

  6. 6

    Place tomatoes in the jars


    Pack the tomatoes into sterilized canning jars. Sprinkle in 1 tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar per pint.

  7. 7

    Release air bubbles and close the jars


    Press the tomatoes down in the jars to remove any air bubbles. Allow ½ an inch of space at the top of the jar. Place the lids tightly on top.

  8. 8


    1h 25m

    Place the jars in the canning machine. Cover with 1-2 inches of water. Allow to sit in boiling water for 85 minutes.

  9. 9


    Store in a cool, dry, dark place for up to one year.

This method for Canning Roasted Tomatoes is very effective and will allow you to enjoy your tomato harvest long after tomato season is finished! Try it out soon and come back to leave a review with your thoughts.

About the author

Nina dreams of gender equality and for women all over the world to feel empowered and enjoy the same freedom she has. She’s a careful consumer, believing that by being more conscious about the way we live we can make the world a better place! Already a vegetarian, she uses animal products sparingly and tries to produce as little waste as possible. Most of her recipes are vegan as a result!

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