Smoked Trout & Asparagus Vol-au-Vent Filling
This Smoked Trout & Asparagus Vol-au-Vent Filling is my numéro un filling for vol-au-vents. You remember vol-au-vents right? These small hollow cases of puff pastry were popular at dinner parties in the 1970s and 1980s and they are making a come back! You heard it here first!
It couldn’t be easier to make this dish. Start by cooking the asparagus. Slice the tips off each asparagus spear and save them for garnishing the vol-au-vents. Combine flaked smoked trout, chopped asparagus stalks, horseradish, crème fraîche, dill and lemon juice. Chill, then divide the filling between the vol-au-vent cases and garnish with asparagus tips and dill.
To make my Smoked Trout & Asparagus Vol-au-Vent Filling, you will need the following ingredients:

Steps to make Smoked Trout & Asparagus Vol-au-Vent Filling
Cook asparagus
3min -
Drain and cool
2min -
Cut off asparagus tips and chop stalks
1min -
Combine ingredients
2min -
15min -
Recipe Reviews
French recipes always win me over, can't wait to try this today.
Lime taste better than lemon makes the taste stronger if you like zesty things, if not then don't add either because it does pack a punch.
I really dislike the small portion can't exactly consider it a dinner more like a snack or lunch.
Mine sadly didn't turn out looking as good as the photos but it was yummy.
Not too filling compared to things like the salmon pasta and peas but good as an appetizer.
Lime taste better than lemon makes the taste stronger if you like zesty things, if not then don't add either because it does pack a punch.
Tasted amazing and was fun to make on my own :)
Not too filling compared to things like the salmon pasta and peas but good as an appetizer.
Looks great, taste great and simple to make, best recipe I've found so far that doesn't have me standing in the kitchen for two hours.
What the heck are vol au vent cases lol.. never heard of them before.
Smoked trout?! Sign me up I'm making this INSTANTLY.
So delicious! Thanks for sharing recipe.
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