Easy Apple Galette
Get in touch with your French side with this Homemade Apple Galette! Galettes are super French, although maybe more rustic French farmhouse than chic Parisian cafe. They have a really distinctive look, as the edges of the pastry base are folded up over the filling before baking, so it looks a bit like a cross between a tart and a pie.
The filling, whether sweet or savory, pokes its head out in the middle. In this galette recipe I’ve used apples, but you can use whatever you fancy – peach works wonderfully! The soft apple, fragrant with cinnamon, tastes delicious against the crisp and buttery pastry. Just a reminder to make sure the butter is thoroughly chilled before you start to make the pastry – very important!
To make Homemade Apple Galette, you will need the following ingredients:

Steps to make Easy Apple Galette
Make the pastry
5min -
Add the sour cream
5min -
Chill the pastry
30min -
Mix the apple filling
3min -
Heat the oven
5minPreheat the oven to 350°F.
Roll out the pie crust
3min -
Add the apple filling
3min -
Shape the galette
1min -
Add some butter
1min -
Make the egg wash
1min -
Bake the galette
45min -
Serving Homemade Apple Galette
Recipe Reviews
Crowd pleaser 101 its very delicious and fun.
This was super fun to make!! I shaped mine as a heart and drizzled a lottt of chocolate sauce on the top.
I recommend refridgerating the dough over night so that its nice and cold but soft enough to form but not enough to fall apart instantly.
No real difference between this and apple pie in my opinion but it's not bad.
Big hit with the family and was gone instantly! we added some cinnamon to the top and crushed up almonds.
If the apple becomes mushy at the bottom its completely normal because of the natural juices so dont stress abou that and just enjoy your galette!
My kids love this with caramel on the top its a cute little dessert for the kids, i put a bit of chocolate and vanilla icecream on the top too for them and sprinkles :) go all out with this one !
Affordable tasty and fun design.
Dough was dry and crumbly not sure what i did wrong.
If youre like me and make your own caramel make sure that when the caramel turns milky brown you turn the heat on low or it'll become black and burn.
Kinda time consuming but worth it in the end I think the flavor is very similar to apple pie though so i decided to add a bit more things to mine.
Forgot to take a picture got too excited after pulling it out of the oven :( !!
Legit this recipe is fail proof you just can't go wrong with it it's easy to make and anything can be added/removed. I put some lemon zest and topped the galette with a bit of almonds and walnuts.
Salted caramel and vanilla ice cream= perfection.
Delicious! Absolutely fantastic dessert and so simple to make.
Mine was so soggy and not too tasty I actually liked the apple pie toast more.
Dasha youve outdone yourself again! such a yummy galette and it was easy to make thanks so much for sharing it with us.
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