Immune Boosting Tonic

Immune Boosting Tonic

a natural home remedy
A natural home remedy
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Adjust Servings:
2 Lemon small fresh, with the skin or not, cut into large chunks
½ cup Ginger fresh, peeled, cut into chunks
½ cup Garlic fresh garlic cloves, peeled
½ cup Honey raw organic

Nutritional information

1 tsp
Serving Size
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Immune Boosting Tonic recipe

This Immune Boosting Tonic has been passed down through generations of my family. This beloved medicine has helped many Cole family members through colds and flu, bacterial or yeast infections without using antibiotics. It will boost your immune system to help you fight off whatever the winter brings. I recommend that you take one or two teaspoons per day all winter as a preventive measure.

It’s super simple to make too. There are two options. You can blend the ingredients into a smooth paste which I prefer, or you can chop the ingredients and leave whole pieces of lemon, ginger and garlic to chew if you have a sore throat coming on. Store the remedy in a glass jar in the refrigerator. It will become more potent over time, but the taste will become milder and more pleasant.

To make Immune Boosting Tonic, you will need the following ingredients:

Ingredients for Immune Boosting Tonic

Steps to make Immune Boosting Tonic

  1. 1

    Place ingredients in blender


    Place 2 small lemons and ½ a cup each of ginger, garlic and honey in a blender.

  2. 2

    Blend to paste


    Pulse until the ingredients turn into a paste.

  3. 3

    Transfer to glass jar


    Transfer the blended ingredients to a sterilized glass jar.

  4. 4



    Place the jar in the refrigerator.

  5. 5


    Take 1-2 teaspoons per day throughout the winter.

This Immune Boosting Tonic is a family recipe which was handed down to me. Try it out this winter and leave a comment to tell me if you fought off colds and flu.

About the author

Nina dreams of gender equality and for women all over the world to feel empowered and enjoy the same freedom she has. She’s a careful consumer, believing that by being more conscious about the way we live we can make the world a better place! Already a vegetarian, she uses animal products sparingly and tries to produce as little waste as possible. Most of her recipes are vegan as a result!

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